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Madison Metropolitan School District

Academics, Classes, Programs, and Career Planning

Academics and Career Planning (ACP)

Velma Hamilton Middle School has a goal for all of our students to graduate with the skills and abilities to be successful within their college, career, and community. This goal was developed with feedback from more than 2500 students, teachers and community members. You can see these skills above in what we call the MMSD Graduate Vision. Families are key partners in helping students to become college, career, and community ready.

Thanks for your support in helping your child reach their goals! Please do not hesitate to contact Boyd Snyder with questions or support needs: Boyd Snyder: 204-4682 or

Deciding which direction to go

How do I support my student’s College, Career and Community Readiness?

Middle school students will experience many opportunities to develop the Graduate Vision skills this year. These experiences include:

  •  Advisory lessons and curriculum that will include topics such as:  reflecting on Graduate Vision skills, SMART goal-setting, learning styles, strengths, interests and skills
  •  Using Xello to explore strengths, interests and skills and maintaining a personal portfolio that will store school artifacts and prepare students for school and job applications, interviews and essays
  •  A college field trip in 6th grade, a hands-on workshop called Future Quest in 7th grade and a variety of speakers sharing experiences during the School Makes a Difference event in 8th grade

Each student will maintain an e-portfolio to hold evidence of their exploration, growth, and next steps. This portfolio is housed within Xello, a post-secondary planning website. At the end of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade, students will complete a Portfolio Presentation by sharing key items from this portfolio to tell their story of growth, readiness, and next steps with an adult.

Each student will maintain an e-portfolio to hold evidence of their exploration, growth, and next steps. This portfolio is housed within Xello, a post-secondary planning website. Your child will be sharing their Xello account with you in November so you can see what they are working on.  Students will do some school guided lessons in Xello, but they can work independently with this program too.   At the end of each grade, students will complete a Portfolio Presentation by sharing key items from this portfolio to tell their story of growth, readiness, and next steps. 6th grade students will share this in small groups.  7th grade students will be making a google site. 8th grade students will be preparing answers to interview questions and then doing a one on one interview with an adult from our school community.

Graduate Vision
Student marks score of bowler in gym

Physical Education

Students are to report ALL accidents to the instructors immediately - no matter how minor.

Equipment needed

  1. Athletic shoes are required to participate. Shoes with heels, slip ons, sandals, crocs, boots are not acceptable.
  2. Comfortable, non restrictive clothes are suggested for class. Students can change into gym clothes. Classes will be going outside throughout the fall and spring, students should plan accordingly.
  3. Optional: Deodorant may be brought but must not be in a glass container, or spray (triggers asthma symptoms).

Locker room rules

  1. No running/chasing is allowed. No horseplay.
  2. Phones or any other recording devices should be turned off and secured.
  3. Individual lockers and padlocks are provided to students .Lockers must be locked at all times. Do not leave valuables, student chromebook, money or clothing unlocked in the locker rooms. Please use them as we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  4. No food, drink or gum in the gym or locker room at any time.

General rules

  1. Students are expected to enter the gym and sit in their designated spot for attendance.
  2. Jewelry, including watches, should not be worn in class -- for your protection and that of classmates.
  3. No books/ school materials are to be brought into the gym area. Backpacks are to be left in homeroom lockers.
  4. Any student needing to be excused from class due to illness or injury must bring a note from their parent or guardian.
  5. Anyone who has had a prolonged illness or injury requiring them to miss more than 2 classes in a row must bring in a physician's excuse.

Medical excuse

  1. A student will be excused from participation in class if there is a written excuse from the parent/guardian. This excuse is good for only one or two classes.
  2. If a student will be unable to participate for more than two classes in a row, a physician's excuse is necessary. This will be kept on file. This is an MMSD School Board policy.
Shape America, Society of Health and Physical Educators Logo

Physical Education standards are based on Shape America standards

Physical Education instructors

Mike McMahon 204-4657
Rob Sorensen 204-4657
Linda Elliot 204-4656